This tutorial will provide you with step by step instructions how to Set Up and Use Trakt on Kodi and Streaming apps.
Trakt TV is a media tracking service that helps users sync their TV Shows and movies across numerous platforms and devices.
It is FREE and easy to setup and use.
By integrating Trakt into your favorite streaming apps, managing your content will be a breeze!
One of the best features Trakt provides is its ability to function across multiple platforms, which include:
Cinema APK
CyberFlix and more!
Before installing Trakt into these streaming apps, we must register for a user account. Trakt is a free service and you can sign up by visiting or the link below:
Once signup up you can start adding TV shows and movies to you account.
You can mark them by clicking the following buttons:
Mark items as watched Add to your list of all the TV shows and movies you’ve watched.
Collect items you own digitally or on disc Organize your TV shows and movies in your collection.
Watchlist items you want to watch Save items that you want to watch at a later time. Once it is watched, the item is removed automatically from the list.
Find where to watch online Search titles from over 300 online streaming services.
Rate items on a scale of 1 to 10 Add your personal rating to TV shows or movies that you have watched.
Now you have set up what TV shows your watching and what to watch, lets authorize your device or app.
For this example I will be using the Jor-El add-on that is inside KODI. Many apps and add-ons work exactly the same way. You must authorize the app you want to use. This can be found in the settings of App's and APK's
OPEN KODI and click on Jor-El (for this example)
click on Tools
Now click on TRAKT authorize:
You will be give a passcode. You must enter this code into the your trakt account use the website address below.
If successful you will be told your app is authorized.
You can now reload the Jor-El add-on. you will find your TV shows in "My TV Shows" section. Movies in the "My Movies" section.
Each section will be filled based on what TV show or Movies you added, watchlist, collections etc...
Remember that TRAKT can be used on many other streaming apps. look in the settings of your favorite app to see if Trakt is available.
Let us know how it works for you!.
Legal Copyright Disclaimer: This technology shall only be used to stream movies or TV shows that fall under the public domain. ARCstream does not endorse or promote illegal activity tied to streaming or downloading copyrighted works. The end-user shall be solely responsible for media accessed through any service or app referenced on this Website. Referenced applications/addons are not hosted by ARCstream and this guide is for educational purposes only. Â